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An Avocado a Day Keeps Wrinkles Away

Avacado's contain an incredible amount of essential vitamins, nutrients, minerals and anti oxidants that have many beneficial uses to help keep your skin looking gorgeous. The healthy fats in avocados will moisturize your skin and reduce any inflammation. In fact, the oil in avocado are very closely matched to the natural oils in your skin, so it will nourish and help protect your skin from the rigors of the day too.

Benefits of avocado include anti-aging. Not only you can apply mashed avocado flesh to your skin as a facial mask, but also, when you eat avocado, it will help fight aging process from within. Everyone wants to keep their youthful good looks for as long, as possible and eating avocados can help. The antioxidants in the fruit will help to detoxify your body and help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, making your skin more supple and plump.

For a healthy and glowing complexion, drink a cup of avocado juice a day and it will nourish and protect your skin from the inside out. How to make avocado juice? Mix one ripe avocado with a cup of milk in your blender, add some honey. Avocados are rich in vitamins, as we’ve already mentioned before, which will help to re-invigorate dull and dry skin and make it look glowing with health!

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